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A search for 'The Tale' gave the following results:

81 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 81 matching titles
3 matches in labels:
  1. Shostakovich: Film Music (Citadel Records CTD 88129)
    from Adventures of Korzinkina; The Golden Mountains; The Silly Little Mouse; and The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.
  2. Sesame Street (CTW Records CTW 22081)
    Original Release Title: The Sesame Street Fairy Tale Album.
  3. Conan The Barbarian (Singular Soundtrack SING001)
    Original Release Title: A Tribute To Basil Poledouris.
    Contains live performance of Conan The Symphony conducted by Basil Poledouris, a documentary Remembering Basil, The Tale of Conan, including the rehearsals of the concert and interviews.

725 matches in tracks
  1. Splinter's Tale 1 & Splinter's Tale 2 (05:29)
    from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Music composed by John Du Prez / Dialogue written by Todd W. Langen & Bobby Herbeck
  2. Whale of a Tale - Rescued - In the Submarine - Burial at Sea (10:57)
    from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
    Whale of a Tale (sung by Kirk Douglas)
  3. Tale Spin Theme (02:19)
    from Music Of Disney, The - A Legacy In Song
    from Tale Spin (1990) (Silversher / Silversher) Vocal: Jim Gilstrap
  4. Splinter's Tale I & Splinter's Tale II (00:00)
    from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    John Du Prez
  5. A Tale (01:52)
    from Laberinto Del Fauno, El
  6. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Italian Cinema Soundtracks
  7. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Continente Perduto
  8. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Smog
  9. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Gattopardo, Il
  10. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Corleone
  11. Sad Tale (01:12)
    from Mépris, Le
  12. A Tale (04:17)
    from Cirque Du Soleil: La Nouba
  13. A Tale (06:14)
    from Cirque Du Soleil
  14. The Third Tale (02:43)
    from Monster Calls, A
  15. This is a Tale (04:21)
    from Babe
  16. The Tale Of Pan (00:00)
    from Return To Never Land
  17. The First Tale (07:30)
    from Monster Calls, A
  18. This Is A Tale (01:47)
    from Babe
  19. Ben's Tale (02:56)
    from Night Of The Living Dead
  20. The Tale (04:25)
    from Brick
Show all 725 matching tracks